7 Gaming Innovations That Have Change the Way We Play

7 Gaming Innovations That Have Change the Way We Play

By Fatima Zahra July 3, 2023 7 Min Read

7 Gaming Innovations That Have Change the Way We Play

Games have been played by people since ages. It is a form of entertainment that improves brain skills. With time the gaming industry has evolved and witnessed growth because more advanced technologies. More immersive experience made games popular among masses.

Gaming industry is bigger industry than sports and movie industry. Gaming market is huge with annual revenue of $384.90bn in 2023 ,and this will increase to $521.60bn by 2027. With this exponential growth rate gaming industry is going unlock many opportunities of investors and gamers.

Games are equally popular among kids and adults. 38% of the gamers are between 18-34 years and 16% are above 55 years.

VR has been a big thing in current gaming innovations and the technology trends are  gong to be more exciting in 2023 and beyond. Lets take a sneak peak of new advancements in this mega entertainment industry.

Gaming Innovations: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Extended Reality

Augmented reality is the technology that superimposes images of the virtual world into the physical world. The medium can be smartphones or special glasses. This innovative technology was first introduced in the gaming world in 2016.

Gaming enthusiasts who know Pokemon Go, they probably know what this technology is capable of. In 2023 we can expect more innovative games that can introduce a new virtual experience. With this technology sky is the limit. Exciting gaming innovations are just a finger-snapping.  This thrilling technology, is fading lines between the physical and virtual worlds .

For a long time Virtual Reality – 3D simulations players access via headsets has captivated gamers for a complete immersive experience. 

VR has been five minutes away from some kind of breakthrough for about eight years.” Polygon’s Ben Kuchera put it bluntly in 2020.

It was progressing slowly because of few factors came into play, headsets are quite expensive, and relatively powerful machines are required. Accessibility is the priority in the gaming industry, and now companies are trying to make quality VR headsets affordable so gamers can have thrilling experiences. Expect something amazing in near times.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality games on the whole will bring gaming innovations to gamers and this is what we can call mixed reality. Few futuristic breakthroughs like integration of 3D imaging and effects , better engagement on digital information are expected.

Cloud Based Gaming:

Cloud Applications have changed the current industry dynamics. It added great benefit to game developers as it eliminates the cost of gaming consoles .2023 is the year for cloud gaming.

Cloud games are reliable for gamers as well as there is no need to download the game on PC and it is stored on cloud.

Instead of downloading it, a game is stored in cloud server. A user just need an internet connection and compatible device like smart phone or PC. Experience is more immersive with enhanced graphics .

With more and more improvement in gaming industry, market for cloud based games have been more competitive, as developers are developing more games for cloud.

Gamers are going to get many options to choose from with this tech advancement. Cloud based gaming is the future of gaming and it is set to become even more popular in 2023.

Block Chain Games:

Block Chain technology has revolutionized the market , and we can clearly see significant impact of it in different industries- gaming is also hugely impacted. Most exciting thing about is that gamers can play for fun and earn in real time. In 2023 this trend will continue to do few amazes.

Already existing marketplaces like open sea ,NFT has also emerged as game changer. we will see more and more NFT game launches.

As it is new and unconventional , here are few hurdles that can impact . For new exciting games gamers and developers need to get along on block chain market places to develop and play. To be on these platform one must buy or own digital assets .

High Fidelity Graphics:

2D games have been played since the first game came out in 1970. Over the years 2D games have evolved a lot, between late 90’s and early 2000’s they were breathing last before the 3D games .Now is the 3D games have been evolved to hyper realistic video games.

High fidelity graphics are those when game has 3D imagery with multitude of complex vertices(the points in space when lines segments meet).Such graphics use ray tracing technology.

Big gaming companies have created graphic cards that make it easy for high fidelity image and ray tracing. This is going to be a game changer . But here is something , not every game is going to have hyper realistic graphics , only big budget games could have this as this needs a lot of visual artists and technicians.

Face Recognition :

Face recognition technology in games is going to be next big thing that will reshape gaming experience in 2023 and beyond .This technology was first started by Chinese developers to limit minors spending a lot of time in games.

Moreover face recognition in games will introduce new advancements like likeness of user and avatar, transferring expressions and adopting emotions and many more.

Intel introduced Real Sense 3D cameras that are able to sense more than 78 points on face to mimic the exact emotion. This technology is going to introduce infinite possibilities for developers and investors . A new gaming horizon is being shaped.

Audio Recognition:

Voice recognition is the upcoming revolution in gaming world. We can witness the popularity of already existing technologies like Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa.

An immersive gaming experience would be possible with the help of voice recognition and command support. This modern technology is a breakthrough in video gaming world to help people with visual impairment and disabilities. With this technology user can control gaming gestures and monitor controls.

Audio recognition technology is going to change the gaming horizon.

Gesture Control:

Past few years tech gamers reinvented the conventional style of gaming – gesture control. This is going to be hottest technology in 2023. Gamers use intel 3D cameras that can track 22 different points on hands just to sense natural movements.

Gesture control technology offered more immersive experience and much more to expect in coming years.


To wrap up we have discussed the latest gaming innovations that are going to reshape the world of games in 2023 and beyond. This is not the end here we are going to witness new things at a new pace because gaming industry is picking the boom. Let us know what technology you liked the most about, and what do you expect further.

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Written By

Fatima Zahra is a digital marketing expert and a passionate advocate for promoting businesses online. She is also a tech enthusiast and enjoys traveling, always seeking new adventures and experiences.