Ads Revenue

Ads Revenue Sharing Program launched by Twitter

By Fatima Zahra July 14, 2023 6 Min Read

What is Twitter Ads Sharing Revenue Program????

Twitter has recently launched a new ads revenue sharing program that allows creators to earn money from this platform. The program is currently only available to verified users who have received at least 5 million impressions on their tweets in the past three months. The Creator Ads Revenue Share program has surprised many people and has also been a topic of much debate since it began.

To participatе in this program, crеators must link thеir account to a Stripе account. Oncе thеy havе donе this, thеy will start еarning a sharе of thе ads rеvеnuе gеnеratеd from rеpliеs to thеir twееts. Thе pеrcеntagе of еarnings that crеators еarn will vary dеpеnding on thе numbеr of Imprеssion thеy rеciеvе.

This schеmе has bееn mеt with mixеd rеactions from usеrs. Somе of thеm havе wеlcomеd, as it providеs thеm with a nеw way to gеnеratе incomе from thеir twееts. Othеrs havе criticizеd thе schеmе, arguing that thе 5 million imprеssion thrеshold is too high and that it will еxcludе many crеators from it.

Dеspitе thе criticism, thе nеw ads rеvеnuе sharing program is a significant stеp forward for Twittеr in tеrms of monеtizing its contеnt. Thе program could hеlp to attract and rеtain morе crеators on thе platform, which could lеad to incrеasеd еngagеmеnt and ads rеvеnuе for Twittеr.

Creator’s Reaction Who Earn with this Program

Here are a few tweets from creators who have earned money from Twitter’s new ads revenue sharing program:

  • “Twitter paid me $24,877, when I expected only $500 for the past 4-5 months. I’m shocked and grateful!”
    ” – @EdKrassen
  • “Elon’s money is the only thing that could make me break my “no tweeting for money” vow.”

Brian Krassenstein's tweet- Ads Revenue Sharing Program launched by Twitter
In another tweet , Brian shared his total earning from Twitter since February.

Brian Krassenstein's tweet

  • “BREAKING: Twitter Monetization For Creators Is REAL I just received my first ads revenue payment from Twitter. 1st check = $10,000 ” – @bennyjohnson

Is the 5M Impressions Threshold Fair or Foul?

The 5M impressions threshold for the Twitter Ads Revenue Sharing Program has been a point of contention among creators. Some users believe that the limit is too high and that it will exclude many user from the program. Others believe that the limit is fair and that it is necessary to ensure that the program is sustainable.
There are a few arguments in favor of the 5M impressions threshold. First, it helps to ensure that the program is only available to creators who are already generating a significant amount of engagement on Twitter. This helps to ensure that the program is not abused by creators who are simply trying to game the system.
Second, the 5M impressions limit helps to ensure that the program is sustainable. If the Limit were lower, then Twitter would be paying out a lot of money to a lot of innovators. This could put a strain on Twitter’s finances.

Public Figures & Influencers: 

Public figures and influencers have also joined the conversation. Steven Mark Ryan, a prominent social media strategist, tweeted, “Twitter’s revenue sharing program is a game-changer for creators. It’s about time we get compensated for our hard work!” The tweet struck a chord with many creators, who see the program as a step towards rewarding them for their valuable contributions.
However, there are also a few arguments against the 5M impressions threshold.

First, it excludes many user who are not able to generate 5M impressions on their tweets. This could prevent these creators from earning any money from their tweets, even if they are generating a lot of engagement.

Biggest Payout Over $100,000 in Twitter Ads Revenue Sharing

Another influencer, Dexerto, shared the Biggest payout for Twitter’s Ads Revenue Sharing that is over $100,000.

The 5M impressions threshold could lead to creators gaming the system. For example, Innovators might try to artificially inflate the number of impressions their tweets receive by buying followers or by using bots.

Ultimately, whether or not the 5M impressions threshold is fair or foul is a matter of opinion. There are valid arguments on both sides of the issue. However, it is clear that the threshold has the potential to exclude many Innovators from the program.

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Written By

Fatima Zahra is a digital marketing expert and a passionate advocate for promoting businesses online. She is also a tech enthusiast and enjoys traveling, always seeking new adventures and experiences.